Percentage Mathematical Aptitude Notes UGC NET 2024

Percentage Mathematical Aptitude Notes For UGC NET 2024



Percentage :- The Latin word “per centum,” which meaning “by the hundred,” was the source of the word “percentage.”

In another term Fractions with a denominator of 100 are called percentages.

For example, if Sam scored 80% marks in his math test, it means that he scored 80 marks out of 100.

Some tricks of percentage calculator are :-

1/1= 100%                                1/2 =50%                    1/3 =33.33%                       1/4= 25%

1/5 =20%                                  1/6 = 16.66%               1/7= 14.28%                       1/8 =12.50%

1/9 =11.11%                              1/10 = 10%                 1/20 = 5%                           1/25= 4%


1. If 20% of X is 50, find out the value of X.

solution :-

X *20 /100 = 50
X*20 = 50*100
X = 50*100 / 20
X = 50* 5
X = 250

2. Salary for Saurabh increased by 10%. He is currently making 80,000. Determine his new salary after a promotion.

solution :-

current salary is = 80,000
Hike in salary is = 10%
Revised salary = 80,000 + (80,000 *10/100)
Revised salary = 80,000 + (8000)
Revised salary = 80,000 + 8000
Revised salary = 88,000

3. For 90,000, Saurabh invested on a new mobile. Every year, the phone loses 10% of its value compared to its purchase price. compute the worth of his smartphone after a year.

solution :-

New phone price = 90,000
price decreases by 10%
phone price after 1 year = 90,000 – (90,000*10/100)
phone price after 1 year = 90,000 – 9000
phone price after 1 year = 81,000

4. Sonu spends 180 minutes in studying daily. He spends, 45 min on math, 90 min on science, and 45 min on social studies. What is the percentage of time spends for each subject is.

solution :-

Total study by Sonu is 180 minutes
45 min on math
90 min on science
45 min on social studies

The time for math = (45 min/180 min) *100
The time for math = (1/4) *100
The percentage of time for math = 25%

The time for science= (90 min/180 min) *100
The time for science= (1/2) *100
The percentage of time for science= 50%

The  time for social studies = (45 min/180 min) *100
The  time for social studies = (1/4) *100
The percentage of time for social studies = 25%

5. Saurabh scored 90 runs which included 3 boundaries and 8 sixes. What is the percentage of his total score did by running between the wickets

solution :-

Saurabh total scored = 90
Runs which included
3 boundaries = 3*4=12
and 8 sixes = 8*6 = 48
Total run by boundaries and sixes = 12 + 48 = 60

Running between the wickets = saurabh total scored – Total run by boundaries and sixes
Running between the wickets = 90 – 60
Running between the wickets = 30
running between the wickets = (30/90)*100
running between the wickets = (1/3)*100
percent of running between the wickets = 33.33%


Important Percentage Question for UGC NET preparation and Put the answer on comment.

1 Two students appeared at an examination. One of them secured 15 marks more than the other and his marks was 55% of the sum of their marks. The marks obtained by them are

2 A fruit seller had some mango. He sells 40% mango and still has 600 mango. Originally, he had.

3 In an election between two candidates, one got 52% of the total valid votes, 20% of the votes were invalid. If the total number of votes was 8000, the number of valid votes that the other candidate got, was.

4 Two employee X and Y are paid a total of Rs. 750 per week by their employer. If X is paid 110 percent of the sum paid to Y, how much is Y paid per week.

5 Three MLA contested an election and received 500, 700 and 800 votes respectively. What percentage of the total votes winning MLA get.

6 Ravi buys products of Rs. 4400. He gets a offer of 10 % on it. After getting the offer, he pays GST@ 18 %. Find the total amount to pay for the Items.

7 The population of Jamui increased from 1,65,000 to 3,30,000 in a decade. What is the average increase of population percentage per year is

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