Digital Initiatives in Higher Education For UGCNET 1

ICT Digital Initiatives in Higher Education ugc net paper 1

Digital Initiatives in Higher Education

Technology improvements have had an impact on education, just like they have on almost every other element of modern life. The educational landscape is changing, especially in higher education, as a result of the digital revolution.

New opportunities for youngsters to be enriched and stimulated are being made available by technology. In order to develop a technology-based education system that will enable students to succeed, every educational institution is putting into action a variety of digital initiatives in higher education.

The government is funding and constructing a number of digital initiatives in higher education as part of the “Digital India” campaign, in addition to educational institutions. As part of this deliberate approach, the federal department of higher education (MHRD) is in charge of extending access to and developing high-quality technology in higher education through world-class digital projects like massive open online course (MOOC) platforms, digital libraries, etc.

Advantages of Technology in Education :-

1 Online education is less expensive than traditional education.

2 The best teachers are immediately offering their courses online, guaranteeing the highest caliber of instruction.

3 A flexible curriculum that is consistent with current market expectations, it can increase their employability ratio.

4 Improving access to higher education for underprivileged people.

5 The best solution to address the urgent need for career improving and re-training in the job sector is through online education that leads to ongoing education.

Since using technology in education has so many advantages, the government and a number of educational institutions have launched a number of digital projects in higher education.


SWAYAM is a technical MOOC platform created in India with a vision to offer excellent education to everyone, whenever and wherever they want it through the web. Courses offered online known as MOOCs provide dynamic material for learning to many students at once. They allow anyone to receive an education of the highest caliber, achieving quality of education equality.

courses are available for higher education like, law, engineering, management. Students in India can access all of the interactive courses on site for free. They were all developed by some of the best teachers in the nation.

2) SWAYAM Prabha:-

SWAYAM Prabha is a collection of 32 Direct-To-Home (DTH) channels that use the GSAT-15 satellite to offer kids a high-quality education every day, seven days a week. In order to give students the opportunity to learn at their own pace, each day they will be exposed to a new subject for at least 4 hours. For the channels, content is provided by the IITs, CEC, UGC, NCERT, and others.

3) National Digital Library:-

NDL gathers data from renowned Indian and worldwide academic institutions. It is a digital library that contains educational content in the form of books, movies, articles, simulations, lectures, fiction, and other formats. The NDL includes interface compatibility for the most widely used Indian languages and is designed to host educational materials in any language. It serves students at various levels of education, including continuous learners, researchers, students with disabilities, etc.

The National Digital Library of India (NDL) aims to collect, archive, and disseminate our nation’s entire intellectual output, including technical education, via the internet—from elementary school to graduate level.

4) E-Vidwan:-

It is database of researchers and academics that gathers educational and research profiles of scientists, faculty, and other individuals working in renowned organizations in India and abroad. It offers data on professionals to prospective partners, colleagues, and research scholars around the nation, enabling them to get in touch with professionals who have the expertise that research scholars need. For the purposes of monitoring and assessment, the database can be implemented to choose panels of specialists for various organizations.

5) Saransh:-

Saransh is an educational application that enables parents and teachers at CBSE-affiliated schools to evaluate their students’ performance. It enables them to evaluate student performance and implement necessary corrections. In order to track kids’ progress and help them get better grades, Saransh connects educational institutions, students, parents, and teachers. One of the best digital initiatives for higher education is from CBSE.

6) Sugamya Pustakalaya:-

It is a digital library containing materials available to anyone with low eyesight, blindness, or any other disabilities. The library offers books in many different fields, languages, and formats.

7) E-Yantra:-

Robotics integration into engineering education is one of the digital initiatives in higher education that MHRD has put into place to engage students with applied mathematics, computer science, and engineering principles. By building the framework for learning through projects, it is empowering students with new abilities. The e-Yantra website makes all of the assignments and technology available.

8) E-Shodh Sindhu:-

Through this initiative, a huge number of e-books and worldwide electronic journals have been made available to all higher education institutions. Using digital technology, it gives access to the greatest education available worldwide.

9) E-Acharya:-

It is an official depository for all the content created by NMEICT and This portal contains all of the information and has the potential to develop into a vertical version of the National Digital Library (NDL).

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